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power-supply system中文是什么意思

用"power-supply system"造句"power-supply system"怎么读"power-supply system" in a sentence


  • 电力系统
  • 电源系统
  • 供电系统


  • On the improvement of power - supply system of the booster in the pit
  • Effect of power electronic technology development on power - supply system
  • General design and practice of power - supply system for transmission centre at tv station
  • Aerial - weapon ’ s power - supply system is an important part of the aircraft electric power systems , whose function is to convert the primary electric power to types of power - supplies that can be used by numbers of equipments in aerial - weapon system
  • Because of its unique structure and outstanding characteristics , multiple - channel brushless dc generator which is made up of doubly salient electro - magnetic generator is a new kind of one . it can improve the reliability of the power - supply system for helicopters
  • Doubly salient electro - magnetic generato ( rdseg ) is a relatively new type of ac brushless machine , which offers an excellent balance between cost , reliability , power density , and high - speed capability . the technology of multiple channels is of help to increase the capability of the aero power - supply system
  • The former present common requirements for designment and test of power - supply system , while the later present the performance indexes and testing methods of military power - supply system according to the particularity of it . this thesis compares the differences of these two kinds of standards , and summarizes several important features that can adequately reflect the quality of power - supply system by summing up and analyzing the contents of these standards
用"power-supply system"造句  
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